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Low Potency

Low Potency - Microdose

With high CBD + low THC, Proof microdose products may be good for anxiety, hangovers, muscle pain, and headaches. Also great for:

- Feeling calm, less anxious

- Getting more creative

- Finding joy in folding laundry

- Treating inflammation

CBD Only Drops

- 33 mg CBD per .5ml (half dropper)

- 1,000 mg CBD per bottle (No THC)


- Strain specific

- Potency varies with each batch

20:1 High CBD Drops

- 10 mg CBD + 0.5 mg THC per 0.5ml

- 300 mg CBD + 15 mg THC per bottle

20:1 High CBD Capsules

- 10 mg CBD + 0.5 mg THC per capsule

- 300 mg CBD + 15 mg THC per bottle

10:1 Microdose Drops

- 10 mg CBD + 1 mg THC per 0.5ml

- 300 mg CBD + 30 mg THC per bottle